Here you can find the full list of facebook emoticons codes for you to use in your facebook chat with friends. Some of these smileys are hidden, secret and harder to find than others, but this is the complete emoticon list! You don’t need to download these emotes or smileys, you just need to type the code which is beneath the fb emoticon and it will appear inside your facebook chat box. There are so many different smileys and icons to use and they’re all cool and free!
Instructions: Just copy and paste the code in blue into your facebook chat box and send it to your friend. It will appear as the emoticon/smiley once you have sent it.
Facebook shark emoticon: (^^^)
Facebook penguin emoticon: <(“)
Facebook woot emoticon: O.o
Facebook kiss emoticon: :*
Facebook wink emoticon: ;)
Facebook tongue emoticon: :p
Facebook sunglasses emoticon: 8-|
Facebook smiling emoticon: :)
Facebook sad face emoticon: :(
Facebook robot emoticon: :|]
Facebook Putnam emoticon: :putnam:
Facebook pacman emoticon: :v
Facebook heart emoticon: <3
Facebook happy eyes emoticon: ^_^
Facebook glasses emoticon: 8)
Facebook gasp emoticon: :o
Facebook errr emoticon: :/
Facebook doh emoticon: >:-(
Facebook devil emoticon: 3:)
Facebook crying emoticon: :’(
Facebook cat smile emoticon: :3
Facebook big smile emoticon: :D
Facebook angel emoticon: o:)
Facebook aiya emoticon: >:o
These are all of the possible Facebook emoticons – when any are released on facebook chat you can be sure that we will be the first to bring you the news about their release, and the codes to put them into your Facebook chats! Which Facebook emoticons are your favourites – let us know in the comments!