How to play the ‘Why, wassup?’ game on your facebook status.

The why, wassup? game is a popular status update game on facebook and is fun to play. All you have to do is post the following status:
Like this status and I’ll give you a Why, Wassup?
This is an example of how it should look:
Then, for anyone who likes your status, you have to give them a Why, Wassup? on their wall. A Why, Wassup? post is when you talk about the person as if you were answering the question ‘Do you know that person?’.
You have to write a wall post on your friends wall in answer form like the following example:
Mel? The girl in my class? The one with nice hair? The girl who lives near to me? The one who is a cheerleader?
Then, at the end of it you write:
Yeah, I know her… why, wassup?
This is an example of a Why, Wassup? wall post: